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Monarch Metrics

Discover how our initiatives are making a measurable difference for monarchs and the environment. Click on the arrow under each metric to explore its related blogs or web pages—and find inspiration to start your own butterfly effect in your community!

oyamel fir trees planted icon.png

16,000+ oyamel fir trees

planted in Mexico's Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve 

co2 offset icon.png

500+ tons of carbon dioxide

offset each year from Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve reforestation

countries impacted icon.png

23 countries impacted

across North America, Asia, Africa, and Europe

partners icon.png

16 partners & supporters

joining our mission locally and internationally

monarch waystations icon.png

10 monarch waystations

built in schools, churches, and museums across Long Island, NY

citizen science data icon.png

1,400+ citizen science data

collected for monarch butterfly conservation research

event attendees icon.png

1,600+ event attendees

participated in our in-person and online programs, workshops, webinars

social media impressions icon.png

50,000+ unique impressions

across social media platforms


milkweed planted icon.png

2,150+ milkweed and nectar plants

planted in home yards and public parks

volunteer hours icon.png

1,000+ volunteer hours

of environmental stewardship dedicated to biodiversity and monarch conservation

online friends icon.png

930+ online friends

following our social media and

Monarch Mail newsletter

international chapters icon.png

2 international chapters

led by youth in Pakistan and Nigeria working to protect native pollinators

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